CCTV focused on Web Game Original and culture spread become selling points

2012-09-21 10:09:17 发表| 来源:7k7k

of the CCTV news channel report a web game company in the theme of “original webgame of chinese: gaining 20 billion in the first 8 months of this year”.This is a new opportunity for the whole gaming industry.

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From “a negative disputed industry” to “an important force to promote economic growth”, from” have negative influences affecting teenagers’ health” to be “the most active culture industry”, recently, of the CCTV news channel report a web game company in the theme of “original webgame of chinese: gaining 20 billion in the first 8 months of this year”.

CCTV as a powerful media has deep influence in the gaming industry, we can regard the earlier reports on the negative side of gaming as good medicine to lead the industry, However,this new report will help promote the gaming industry. Sun Mengzi of Analysys think that CCTV’s confirm on this company can be seen as the confirm of the whole web game business, this is a new opportunity for the whole gaming industry.

It is not hard to see that CCTV mainly focused on two points of the gaming industry, one is original products, the other is the national culture proposed by the game, and also, CCTV connected the healthy development of web game to the whole development of culture industry and national economy. Sun Mengzi of Analysys think that gaming is one of the culture industries, many insiders already noticed their responsibility for the whole society. He said: web games’ promotion of traditional culture has already formed a cycle chain, and it also had a basic theory or principle for the dig of the cultural. This may be the most reason why CCTV confirmed web games.

CCTV’s report of webgame is the result of media focused on webgame for last 7months. Sun Mengzi believes:backgrounds of many web games are from chinese history, moreover,web game have a large users’ group , it do need to undertake more responsibility.

On all accounts, CCTV’s new position and guidance made web game standing on a brand new development stage, To become the driver of the culture industry and the growth point of the national economic ,there are more to do for the web game companies.

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